Tuesday, March 27, 2012

7 Questions: Part 4

7 Questions!!
Since I seemed to miss the memo on posting a crazy picture at the beginning of every post here is one from girl's camp several years back.  This is what happens when you already have curly hair that is thick and you leave it in cornrows for a week!

1. What is your favorite color TO WEAR?
I have two favorite colors to wear: black and yellow (not together)  I like black (not because I'm goth or anything) because I feel like it is very classy and it gives a slimming appearance.  I also like to wear yellow because it is a happy color and everyone always says I look good in it.  Come to think of it, the two outfits that I wore for my seniors pictures were black and yellow.

2. You are given the choice between visiting every country and landing on the moon. Which would you choose?
Visiting every country.  The moon would be cool, but I feel like there wouldn't be a lot to do once you got there.  I have friends all over the world that would be fun to visit, and I would just love the experience of traveling all over the world.  Here is a map of all the different places where I have friends.

3. What's your favorite animal and why?
I would have to go with squirrels which is weird because before this summer I hated them.  After living in the woods at camp all summer though, I learned to love them.  I think it is really cool how fast they are and how they can jump from tree to tree.  Plus, they're pretty cute too.

4. You are forced to do one of the following, which would you choose? Sky dive, scuba dive, or this:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4B36Lr0Unp4
I was already planning on going sky diving, but I would definitely do the Word's Largest Rope swing!  Since it is in Utah I even looked it up so I could go do it, but it turns out that it was just something some friends did together.  We have a giant swing at the ropes course I work at for camp which is pretty awesome, although not quite as cool.  I took my camera up to the top with me one time, and took this video. 
Another awesome thing that I would love to do some time is go on the Word's Largest swing in New Zealand 

5. You are given the chance to go back in time. Which era would you visit?

I really like the time period I am living with, so I don't know I would choose to visit another one.  I guess if I did, it would be cool to go back to the 60's.  Not necessarily so that I could visit that time period, but so that I could meet my Grandpa who died before I was born.

6. If you had the power to remove one thing (ie: flies, mosquitos, junk food) from the earth for good- what would it be?  Definitely mosquitos.  They are just another one of those things that came with living in the woods.  Especially since I was in New Jersey and it was super humid there.  I can deal with flies because they don't bite you and make you itch, but mosquitos...

7. What is one thing you've learned from Pinterest that made you think "GENIUS"!

In general I have loved Pinterest for their recipes and craft Ideas, but the thing that I have thought is the coolest is the marbled nail technique that I talked about here on my blog a while ago.

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