Thursday, April 5, 2012

Samsung Brightside Review

With everyone switching to smart phones nowadays, it is becoming more and more difficult for those of us who don't want to pay for a data plan to find a new phone.  I am on Verizon and was do for a phone upgrade a long time ago, but just wasn't impressed by any of the "basic" phones being offered and I didn't want to fork over an extra $30 a month for a data plan.  I'm glad I ended up holding out because Samsung recently came out with a new touch screen slider phone that does not require a data plan!  I've had it for two weeks now and I love it!

It is the perfect phone for someone who wants a nice phone with good features, but doesn't want an all out smart phone.  The first thing I noticed was how light it was! Even though it was bigger than my old phone (Samsung Intensity) it was much lighter.  Another thing I noticed right away was how responsive the touch screen it. It works great.
The physical keyboard is also great and was almost identical to my last Samsung slider phone, so it has been very easy to get used to.  The camera is also an upgrade because it has 3 mp which may not seem great, but is better than the 1mp I had before.  The main menu is easy to use and is customizable with the icons you wish to display.  The one thing that I have had a problem with so far is using T9 on the front touch screen to text.  I almost always use the physical keyboard because it is more convenient, but the few times I have tried T9 on the front touch screen the phone freezes or restarts.  Even though I don't really use the front to text often, this has been frustrating and I am planning on taking it in to the store to see if it is a glitch that can be fixed.  Besides this however, I have found it a great phone and would give it 4 out of 5 stars!

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