Friday, March 16, 2012

Another Get to Know You

Sorry for the lack of posting this week, it has been quite a busy week.  My Lauren posted another one of these questionnaires so I decided to once again follow her lead.

1. Pick a boyfriend: Edward Cullen, Peeta Mellark, or Harry Potter 
I'm going to have to go with Peeta.  I would go with Harry Potter because being married to someone with magic would be awesome, but I've honestly never liked Harry's personality. (Yes once again I admit I am a Harry Potter geek)  He's just too whiny sometimes, plus Peeta is just so sweet.
2. If you HAD to have a crazy hairdo, what hairdo would you choose and why? (mohawk, mullet, etc)
I would probably dye my hair some crazy color like purple.  This summer my coworkers actually convinced me to do this, although only a small strip of hair.  I actually really ended up liking it, but "extreme" hair is not allowed at BYU so I had to let it grow out.  Here's a picture of my a couple days after dying my hair.  (I kinda have a weird look on my face in this picture but it's the best one I have of my hair so oh well.)
My brother on the other hand has pulled off the mohawk look.  His whole football team did it for their big rivalry game.

3. If you could be a celebrity what would you like to be celebrated for? (Dance, Singing, Acting, Reality TV [ie no reason], Political Leader, etc) 
I would like to be celebrated for being an inspirational speaker.  I love listening to inspirational speakers and talks.  I feel like there have been certain talks that have greatly influenced my life and I want to be able to help influence and change others lives as well.

4. Be honest- do you brush and floss your teeth daily? 
Nope. Never really been a flosser, but I've also never had cavities so I'm safe so far (know on wood)

5. What is one fear you are working to overcome? 
As I said in one of my previous post, ski lifts really scare me.  I should be working to overcome that soon though because I will be going snowboarding for the first time hopefully next weekend!

6. White Chocolate, Milk Chocolate, Dark Chocolate, or Semi-Sweet (isn't that just dark chocolate)?? 
Milk Chocolate by far!  White chocolate is pretty good too, but I just loooooove milk chocolate.  Especially German or Swiss chocolate :)

7. What is one trend you wish you could pull off?  
Cute ruffly blouses and things like Lauren wears.  I swear she is always so cute looking.  I just enjoy my comfortable sweats and tee shirts.

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